We have added a new integrated search feature. This new feature allows you to perform a search on eBay --- and even add a snipe --- without even having to leave our site.
About the New Search Feature
You will see two new tabs: "Search" and "My Searches." If you click the Search tab, you will see an input box asking you to search. The results are show in a box format, and as you can see from this picture, you can also add a snipe directly from the search results:

After performing a search, you get a prompt asking you to add the search to Saved Searches. That way you don't have to keep re-entering the values.

Search Alerts are Back, Too
We have also re-activated the Auction Tribune service, which emails the results in your email box each morning. You can add a snipe directly from the email. We will perform the search automatically for you each morning around 6:00 am PST, and have the results ready in your Inbox each morning.

We hope you enjoy these new features. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvements.
- Your Friends at BidSlammer