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New BidSlammer Logo!

Posted: May 7 2009

We are pleased to unveil the new BidSlammer logo. The coolest sniping service ever now has the coolest logo! :-)

BidSlammer: eBay Sniping Service

We also trademarked the slogan "3... 2... WON." We have been using it for a while, and thought we had better get ownership on it. This great slogan came to us in kind of a surprise moment and we are happy to own it now.

We are also releasing our new site look this weekend. And we totally love it -- the red and black are "the colors of sniping", that is, sniping guns are black and targets are always red. We are getting rid of our current "soft blue," because 1992 called --- they wanted their web designer back!

Keep an eye out for the matching red & black website coming soon. We just wanted to show the new logo and slogan -- and whet your whistle for some more neat things coming down the line this month.