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Tired of Losing on ?

Use what others are using to beat you.

BidSlammer expertly snipes eBay auctions, placing bids at the last second to give you an edge over buyers who can't react in time. Our advanced eBay bidding software places multiple snipes from different locations, ensuring you never miss a winning bid.

We provide a full-featured Bidding Manager with powerful tools, including Bid Groups, outbid alerts, and daily search alerts. Trusted since 2001, BidSlammer has helped thousands of users win more eBay auctions.

"Trying to keep this a secret, but can't help telling everyone."
--eBay user

Avoid Emotional Price Escalation

By using our service, you can avoid the frustration of bidding wars, lower your final costs by keeping your interest hidden, and free yourself from the hassle of setting reminders.

Avoid overpaying in competitive bidding wars and never lose an eBay auction because you forgot to bid at the last minute.

TM Accuracy

Our 3-2-WONTM technology places your bids through three prime auction locations: Oregon, Los Angeles, and Dallas data centers. By tapping the fastest network routes to the world's largest auction platform, this multi-region approach significantly enhances your chances of winning competitive auctions.

Bid Groups Win More Often for Less

Bid Groups allow you to place bids across multiple eBay items until you win one at the price you want. Once you secure a winning bid, the system automatically shuts off your other bids.

lose lose lose lose win stop stop stop

Snipe Directly from eBay Item Pages

Use our Snipe It! toolbar to snipe items directly from eBay item pages. BidSlammer's eBay sniper places last-second bids automatically, enhancing your bidding strategy and helping you win more auctions effortlessly.

Schedule a Snipe Right Now!

See just how easy it is to add snipes and win. Already know what you're looking for? Use our search by keywords page instead. Ready to snipe? Just enter your item number to the right, and let's get started!

(or, use our search by keyword)
{{ demoItem.title }}

Minimum to bid: {{demoItem.minimumToBid | currency}}

Feature Comparison Table

The free service includes all features, one active snipe at a time.


1 Snipe at a Time


As low as $8/month USD

Free Service Includes:

  • One Snipe in Queue at a Time
  • Bidding Manager
  • Import Watch List & Bidding List
  • Slam-It! Toolbar
  • Single Sign-On
Plus, Exclusive Features You Won’t Find Elsewhere:
  • Outbid Alerts
  • ShipTrackrSM Real-Time Maps
  • Real-Time Snipe Log
  • Daily Search Alerts
  • Advanced Search Engine
  • Category Suggestion Tool
  • SMS & Smarthome Alerts
  • Bidding Analytics
Plus, things our competitors charge for:
  • Overbid Protection
  • Lifetime Archive
  • Seller Restrictions Detection*
  • Trust & Safety Restrictions Detection*
* Exclusions apply

Premium Includes:

  • 1-Second Lead Time

  • 100% accuracy guaranteed

  • 3-2-WONTM Sniping
    (Triple-redundant snipes from geographically optimized locations)

  • Bid Groups

  • BidSlammer API Access

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