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BidSlammer Help Center

We are a sniping service. We help you win auctions on eBay more often and for less money by placing your bids in the closing seconds. At its core, the service is a dispatcher that acts on your instructions and reports the result back to you.

This help section incorporates 20+ years of answering customer service tickets, so your answer is probably here. If not, our Contact link is in the footer.

How Does it Work?

Our auction sniping software allows you to secretly arrange for bids in the last seconds. This takes away the frustration of bidding wars, lowers final costs by hiding your interest, and frees you from having to set reminders.

Sniping hides your interest and avoids emotional price escalation by you and other bidders. Avoid overpaying in bidding wars --- and never lose an auction because you forgot to be right there.

Did you miss a snipe?

The reason for every snipe you did not win is listed in your See the Completed tab on your main Dashboard.

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