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How Can I Do Advanced Searches?

When searching, we pass your query directly to eBay's powerful search engine. This means you can take advantage of eBay's advanced search features to fine-tune your results. Below are some helpful tips and practical examples for creating advanced queries.

Using Quotes for Exact Matches

  • Use quotes (" ") to search for an exact phrase.
    "Star Wars" collectibles will show items with the exact phrase "Star Wars."

Combining Phrases with OR

  • Use parentheses and commas to include multiple phrases.
    ("iPhone 12", "Samsung Galaxy S21") finds listings with either "iPhone 12" or "Samsung Galaxy S21."

Excluding Keywords

  • Use a minus sign (-) to exclude specific words.
    Washington -Denzel finds items related to the state or city, not the actor.
    python -monte shows results for the programming language, not Monty Python.

Getting Creative with Queries

  • Try mixing and matching these techniques for practical or humorous results.
    ("Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings") -twilight for fantasy fans avoiding sparkly vampires.
    "Tesla Model 3" -HotWheels to filter out toy car results.
    coffee -instant to find serious brews, not instant packets.

Final Note

eBay's search engine supports various advanced features. Experiment with your queries to narrow down your results and find exactly what you're looking for. Enjoy your search!

See Also

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